Site Information

Additionally BACS works in as a specialist sub-contractor with other contractors that are often prime contractors.

Like other BSCs, BACS has had to respond to a changing and more uncertain world. Allan explains, “Security is a top priority for many of our clients, employees must pass a comprehensive background check conducted by the Australian Federal Police prior to commencement".

“There has been a significantly marked increase in security requirements from clients post September 11. More than 50 percent of clients require a high level of security clearance and 20 to 30 percent of these clients require a higher level again. To the extent just under 10 percent of our cleaners are accompanied whilst cleaning work is carried out.”

Driving growth

Diversification of services to include and consolidate cleanroom cleaning techniques and equipment has opened up a new market to BACS and is therefore a primary growth mechanism.

“We are the only technical IT and cleanroom cleaner in the marketplace that can provide national coverage. This is a distinct advantage for clients that know they will receive a uniform service in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane etc,” Allan emphasised.

BACS is on track to achieve its goal of being the prime solution supplier for critical cleaning nationally. Its existing national contracts with the Australian Taxation Office (42 sites) and the Commonwealth Bank Australia (285 sites) are testament to that.

“I expect our sustainable growth annually over the next five years to be about 9 percent due to the diversification.”

Interactive website

The company’s most recent marketing development is BACS Contamination Control’s recently upgraded website. The new interactive website covers four areas; Computer Services, Cleanroom Services, Products - hosting online shopping facilities for all BACS products and BACS Trader - access to finding/moving redundant equipment of a specialised or cleanroom nature.

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