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Internal Computer Cleaning

“To properly clean a PC externally takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes. A regular telephone clean takes three minutes,” he explains.

In addition to routinely scheduled services, BACS also provides: emergency clean-up (fires, sprinkler malfunctions, pipe breakage etc), post-construction and major overhauls during shut-downs.

BACS cleaners work as part of a team, ensuring back-up is always available to complete scheduled cleans.

Allan emphasizes that, “At BACS we promise to give the best cleaning and decontamination solution for individual cleaning requirements.”

Specialist equipment

A high percentage of the equipment and products required for technical IT and certainly cleanroom cleaning is specialist equipment designed and manufactured for these purposes.

“We have developed many of these products ourselves and we also supply an extensive range of cleaning products tailored to individual client needs,” Allan states.

Contamination control and cleanroom products include; dry wipers, cleaning solutions, swabs, face masks, pre-wetted wipers, stationery mops, Texwipe swabs/wipers, Texwrite stationary.

Static-products include anti-static mats and shielding bags. IT products include telephone wipes, floor tile lifters, BACS Bracket, isowipes and Omega vacuums. BACS use mostly Nilfisk and some Pullman machines.

Wiper and Floor Tile Lifter

Specialist training

The contractor uses standard recruitment procedures. However, it has developed five PowerPoint training modules that both administrative and field staff must complete upon employment.

The intensive BACS Cleanroom Training Program focuses on where contaminants come from, contamination control, effective cleaning techniques, proper cleanroom gowning, cleanroom products and protocols, work place and general safety, OH&S compliance and standard operating procedures.

The management team attends all industry trade shows and seminars to ensure it is up to date on all ISO Standards and new technologies. This knowledge is then shared with staff through ongoing training programs.

BACS continues to refine its cleaning techniques from data and feedback supplied by clients that routinely share their testing results. In addition by working with suppliers to remain informed on best practices in cleaning and advances in product development.

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