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Server Rack and Pod Cleaning

Internal maintenance for controlled IT environments

Data centre server rack cleaning vacuum

Server cleaning - All exterior surfaces are wiped down to remove dust.

Data centre server rack cleaning vacuum

Server exterior is vacuumed, preventing dust buildup in computer components.

Data centre server rack cleaning vacuum

Special procedures are used to clean in between server rack cables.


BACS server rack and pod cleaning services for data centre are available nationwide including Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart and Darwin as well as most regional areas.

Server rack interiors and pod exteriors are especially susceptible to accumulation of airborne particles on horizontal surfaces. However, these areas are often not considered when establishing cleaning protocols for the rest of the data centre. Based on experience, BACS recommends that server racks and pods undergo internal and external cleaning at least once a year.

Cleaning equipment inside as well as outside helps maintain particle level standards for the entire room.  BACS cleaners can eliminate dust and debris from inside server and PC units.


  • BACS supervisors conduct a customer briefing to discuss all power connection preferences, access to closed/locked rack doors and direction of work flow.
  • Only electrical equipment dedicated to cleaning IT environments is used, with in-line safeguards to protect against power surges.
  • Server rack and pod cleaning targets vertical as well as horizontal surfaces, rack doors and removal of any gross contaminants such as cable cuttings and ties, screws, bolts and packaging materials.
  • All BACS cleaners are trained not to disturb circuit breakers, switches and cabling connections when cleaning adjacent areas.
  • No moisture of any form is used; BACS techniques employ low-lint disposable cloths which trap and remove loose dust without building up a static charge during use.


  • Accumulated contaminants that could harm internal circuitry or obstruct airflow are eliminated.
  • Annual cleaning of these areas aids in maintaining ISO 14644 particle level standards for the entire room.
  • Normal operation is not disrupted during this service.
  • Server rack and pod cleaning can be automatically scheduled as part of BACS annual or half-yearly servicing of the room.