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Product Guides

Alpha mop head widget
How to Build an Alpha Mop
Instructions on how to build an Alpha mop using components from Texwipe.
Request Texwipe Sample Kit for Printing Industry
Try out a collection of Texwipe swabs and wipers, specifically designed for the printing industry. Simply fill in the request to receive your sampling kitl
Texwipe Swabs and Wipers for the Printing Industry
Three Texwipe swabs for the Printing Industry.
BACSmat tacky mat on a frame
Do I need a frame for my tacky mat?
Use this infographic to help you decide whether to use a frame with your tacky mat. What type of floor do you have? Are there portable issues to be considered?
cleanstep tacky mat
What Tacky Mat is Right for Me
A guide on choosing the right tacky mat for your data centre, cleanroom or other controlled environments.