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3 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Cleanroom Cleaning

Could your cleanroom be cleaned more efficiently by an outside service provider?

cleanroom post-construction cleaning


cleanroom pre-validation cleaning


cleanroom routine cleaning



Forming a successful partnership with a technical cleaning company lets you better concentrate on your company’s core competencies. Benefits can be financial and result in increased workplace productivity and quality.

Cost vs. Value

Most business decisions are ultimately cost-based and outsourcing cleanroom cleaning is no different. You need to weigh up what the in-house costs would be and compare them to the services covered by an outside provider’s proposal. Outsourcing cleaning means you won’t need to

  • arrange extra labour for the big, less frequent cleans.
  • buy additional equipment for cleaners to use on major jobs.
  • train cleaners to clean properly.
  • designate back-ups in case a member of your primary cleaning team is unavailable or ill and not permitted to enter sterile areas.
  • supervise cleaners’ performance.

Once you approve a quotation, you just factor the cost of technical cleaning into the budget, issue a purchase order, and provide your SOPs to a specialist cleanroom cleaning company.

Improved Morale

No one wants to do the cleaning and people who are not enthusiastic about a task do not usually give it their best effort. When you outsource your cleaning, your employees can focus on their primary roles. Using professionally trained technical cleaners guarantees a more uniform result by reducing cleaner-to-cleaner variability. The cleaning gets done by people whose sole job is cleaning, in a methodical way, based on your SOPs. Depending on the job, specialist cleaners can be engaged on a post-construction, pre-validation, routine and project basis.

Enhanced Quality Control

Bringing in an independent set of eyes is an excellent time to review your own procedures. After documenting the facts (room sizes, cleanliness classes, equipment, disinfection requirements, gowning protocols), you can analyse the work flow (number of operators, shifts, contaminant-generating activities) to determine the optimal cleaning intensity and frequency. Some cleans are best handled in-house by operators, while others make sense to outsource. Once you have established the cleaning regimen that best suits your requirements, update your SOPs, set performance benchmarks and audit the compliance of your own personnel as well as external cleaners.

Learn more about BACS Contamination Control cleanroom cleaning services here. BACS cleans critical environments of all sizes and classes, from non-sterile ISO Class 9 up to sterile Grade B pharmaceutical and research facilities. Call 1800 687 179 or leave an enquiry today to arrange an obligation-free site assessment.